Blonde Redhead – “Sit Down For Dinner (Pts. 1 & 2)”

Blonde Redhead – “Sit Down For Dinner (Pts. 1 & 2)”

At the end of this week, the veteran indie rock experimentalists Blonde Redhead will release their first proper album in nine years, Sit Down To Dinner. They’ve been gradually sharing advance tracks all summer, including “Snowman,” “Melody Experiment,” and “Before.” They’re doing one last tease today, and it’s a big one.

For their final advance single, Blonde Redhead are actually sharing two songs. At the center of the album sits a pair of title tracks, “Sit Down For Dinner (Part 1)” and “Sit Down For Dinner (Part 2).” A short film by Sebastian Mlynarski out today combines the two songs — the former slow and impressionistic, the latter more upbeat but still soft and dreamy. Like the album itself, the tracks are inspired by a passage from Joan Didion’s The Year Of Magical Thinking: “Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends.”

Kazu Makino shared this statement:

“Sit Down For Dinner” is written like a journal and I suppose it’s confessional. “Part 1” starts with me living on a remote island and contemplating what to do. “Part 2” is me writing to my mother and father alongside inspiration from Ms. Didion’s writing. It touches on death and destiny and how we move through our lives without knowing how and when the end will come (with no pity). I’m excited by the way I was able to put down my rather terrifying thoughts on top of “uplifting” music. You would never guess what I’m singing about.

Watch below.

Sit Down For Dinner is out 9/29 on section1.

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